the sound of rain moving in

October 17, 2012

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The tentative isolation of the first drops, being gently reminded by the clouds that they are fit to burst. The awesome power of a full rainstorm, the thrill and comfort of being able to soak it up from just inside. When the rain is really hard, feeling each individual drop hit you…or maybe that’s hail.

I managed to make this new book in time for the Manchester Artists Book Fair last weekend. An edition of 12, viewed here laid out,etchings and letterpress done, ready for folding, plus a few happy accidents.

Manchester Artists Book Fair

I really enjoyed the book fair this year not only for the inspiring talks beforehand, see below, and the feedback from visitors, but also for the brief but lovely conversations I had with a few artists about their practice. They offered useful insights into their own work and in a reflective sense on mine as well. The dedication and discipline of David Barton who works obsessively to articulate the feeling and memory of what a body is in his drawings was mind blowing. It seems to be drawing as a form of meditation on the feeling of being alive within such a vehicle. His books are a wonderful and rigorous testament to his project.  Also, speaking to Elizabeth Willow, the outgoing Hot Bed Press Book Artist in Residence, about spaces, boxes and movement was also exciting and encouraging. Elizabeth is currently making Something Wonderful happen in Lincolnshire.

As for the actual talks, under the banner of Collaboration and the Democracy of the Book, almost everyone spoke about responding to spaces – hurrah! I could say more but I’ll never post this if I try so here are the links to their projects, in no particular order….

Angie Butler and Phillipa Wood

Michelle Rowley’s and Wirral Metropolitan’s collaborations with a university in Utah

Nancy Campbell’s beautiful work responding to Harbour communities in the Arctic

Sarah Bodman’s many collaborations in response to stories and places

– in between – news

October 1, 2012

Duke of Wellington, Shoreham book shelf…end of August


With thanks to Matt and apologies for being so slow.

contained water

October 1, 2012

Lake Vrynwy was created in 1881 after the UKs first stone walled dam was built to flood the valley and  the village of Llanwyddn. It was created to provide and send clean water through 68 miles of aquaduct  to Liverpool and Merseyside where the population was growing larger than it’s source of water could sustain.The dam is 44 metres high, 37 metres thick and 357 metres long. A road runs along the length of it that you can drive or walk along. Another village was built to rehouse the villagers that kept the name of Llanwyddn. In times of drought the old village can still be seen.

On the other side of the dam is a sculpture park full of wooden sculptures carved by artists from Wales, Australia and Eastern Europe. Some really lovely pieces.